Saturday, November 15, 2014

Is it really over?

Well sadly, my blogging class is coming to an end. Who knew I could have so much fun with this. Honestly I never would have thought that I would create a blog, much less actually enjoy it!

I'll still be posting, because let's be real, there's no way I'm stopping my cheese adventure now! I'm really just getting started! I've finally learned at least what styles of cheese I like best, and can't wait to continue exploring. I think maybe next I'd like to explore different blue cheeses; or maybe I'll pick a region and go from there.

Top Gifts For the Cheese Lover in Your Life!

Having trouble deciding what to get for that special someone in your life who's made a hobby of cheese?

While that may be a little dramatic, it's true that finding the perfect gift isn't always easy. I've made a list of the top gifts for cheese lovers to take the pressure off you!

1. Cheese board! Something unique is best.. or something like the baord pictured that stores fancy cheese knives!

2. A Glass Dome cheese board! 

3. A unique cheese cookbook!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Italian Truffle Cheese

So I went into Trader Joe's on the hunt for some Italian truffle cheese. I've tried it before and I really liked it. I had a hankering for a grilled cheese, and knew that this would be melty and delicious. It's almost like a mozzarella with a ton of truffle flavor. I'm impressed with the taste, especially for the price. Trader Joe's rocks!

Anyway, back to the grilled cheese. I decided that with the truffle cheese, caramelized onions and freshly sliced tomatoes would be extra yummy. Let me tell you, it was! If you've never caramelized onions before, you can find some easy to follow instructions here. I would definitely recommend making more then you need because they take so long to cook!

I layered on the cheese, tomatoes, and caramelized onions between buttered sourdough bread. Perfection!


Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Midnight Blue

In an effort to expand my horizons and steer away from crystal packed aged cheeses (ermagahd) I decided to look for a blue cheese today. I saw something at the counter that really intrigued me; a goat milk blue called Midnight Blue from Colorado! It looked almost grey in color and was a lot firmer than other blues I've tried. I had to buy it!

My idea of blue cheese has always been soft, crumbly, bright white and tangy from the blue veins. This was unlike anything I've tasted before. The texture was dense and crumbly, and the veins of mold were almost like layers of leaves. It was extremely earthy tasting. It was good, but not something I could see myself buying regularly. If you're into blues though, definitely give this a try!

Cottonwood River Cheddar

OK, I know I am on a crystal kick right now, but I found another crystal packed cheese that I am absolutely loving! I promise I'll try and branch out in my next post. Until then, I'll be snacking on this delicious cheddar called Cottonwood River Cheddar.

This cheddar is more creamy and definitely softer than the previous I posted about (Lincolnshire Poacher). It's pale yellow and slightly tangy in flavor (without being too acidic like some aged cheddar) and it has crystals, but they don't seem as dense in this style. I'm in love.

This would be a great everyday cheese. Perfect for snacks, in grilled cheese or fondue, on burgers, or as an addition to your fancy cheese board. Gotta love versatility!

Crystals are a Girl's Best Friend

 Who doesn't love crystals?
And Unicorns?

Okay, so I wasn't actually talking about those kinds of crystals. Sometimes I get a little carried away. I actually meant these crystals!

I know I keep raving about how much I love those little crystals in my cheese, but seriously... They are the best thing ever! But what are they exactly? Well, I did some research online and I found that they are actually Tyrosine clusters. They form during the aging process of the cheese when proteins begin to break down.

Now, washed rind cheeses are a different story. Those are often residual pieces of salt from the brine on the outside of the cheese. If the rind and inside is eaten in one bite, they can be mistaken for Tyrosine clusters.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

How can I use this?

In my last post, I talked all about my (dare I say it?) new favorite cheese, Ewephoria sheep's milk Gouda. I ate nearly half of the wedge I purchased by itself and then I thought, "Hey, maybe I should actually try and make something with this". Just in time too, I would have polished it off today. It's just so delicious, I don't even mind not pairing it with anything!

So I spent some time Googling (as usual) and I found some delicious recipes. Although I must say, most recipes I was able to find online called for smoke Gouda. Anyway, check out some of my favorite recipes I found below.

Ewephoria® Pear Salad 
Pears, pomegranate, and pecans oh my! And of course, a delicious sprinkling of Ewephoria cheese. Yum!

This mac and cheese recipe features shells instead of elbow macaroni with sharp cheddar, smoked Gouda, aged Gouda, and cream cheese. Wowza!

Peach, bacon, and Gouda Grilled Cheese Sliders on Pretzel Bread
Need I say anything else?

Smoked Gouda Mashed Potatoes
Creamy, cheesy goodness!


I was browsing Safeway trying to find their specialty cheese section, and at first I was disappointed because  I didn't find much. But it turns out, I was just looking in the wrong spot! They actually have a nice selection of imported cheeses. I spent way to long trying to figure out what to buy. People kept looking at me funny, and I don't blame them... I kept pacing back and forth from one end of the case to the other; picking up cheese, putting it back; picking up cheese, Googling it, putting it back. And that's when I saw it. Ewephoria sheep's milk aged Gouda in all of it's glory.

Now, I've tasted this once before so it's not entirely new to me, but after I tried it I couldn't stop thinking about how good it was! I searched for it at the stores in my neighborhood and it was nowhere to be found. I was so ecstatic to have found it; I just had to buy it!

My experience with Gouda in the past was pretty anticlimactic. I've really only tried smoked Gouda which is good, but not necessarily my cup of tea. But this, this has me head over heels in LOVE with Gouda cheese!

Ewephoria is aged for about a year and tastes sweet and nutty, with a sharp tangy flavor at the finish. Plus, it is packed with those crystals that I just can't get enough of. Perfection. It is perfect for a snack alone, or would make a great dessert cheese since it is so sweet. Give it a try! I hope you love it as much as I do!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Port Salut

This morning I went to New Season's to browse for my next cheese, hoping to find something rich and creamy. I was pleased that they had so many varieties available! I spent some time browsing through the display and of course, (let's be real) Googling the kinds that seemed appealing to me. I found some good information on Port Salut and decided to give it a try!

Port Salut comes from the Loire Valley, France. It is semi-soft and creamy with a bright orange rind. The rind can be eaten. but it's made of wax, so I'm not sure why you would want to. I didn't eat any of it. It is described as having a strong odor, but a mild, pleasant taste.

 I expected to really like it, since Brie is my favorite. Well maybe that's why I was disappointed; I shouldn't have expected it to be like brie just because it was creamy. Rookie mistake! It did have a mild flavor, but I didn't really like the texture. It was almost rubbery. I looked online and many reviews said that it paired really well with fruit. I sliced up an apple and tasted the combo, I definitely preferred it with the apple.

It was lunch time (yay!) so I decided to make a grilled cheese with my Port Salut. I made it with rustic sourdough bread, apples, and black pepper and it was divine! The only thing that was missing was some salt. I since made a second one with prosciutto and it was, in all of it's ooey-gooey, sweet and savory glory, absolutely PERFECT!

So, the only thing I'm wondering now is: What cheese should I buy next?

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


I'm excited to really start my exploration of cheese. I'm planning on trying a new cheese every few days, posting about what I think of it, and possibly some recipes. I'm definitely a neophyte in the world of cheese. Well, not completely. My parents tried to expose me to quality food products, so I wasn't just eating craft singles (Not too sound super judgey.. if you're into that kind of thing, that's cool).

I grew up eating Tillamook sharp white cheddar, crumbled blue, feta, brie, and a taste of gouda now and then. But the thing is, I haven't really explored and sought out new varieties. I want to look into the process in which it's made, taste cheeses I've never heard of, see what effect the terroir has on the cheese, taste multiple varieties of the same cheese, and basically just eat as much delicious cheese as possible.

So where do I start? I was thinking I could just pick a region and start there. Or maybe a certain type and explore different varieties. But you know, I've reaalllyyy been craving a soft ripened, creamy cheese. So there it is! I'll be going to New Season's tonight to make my selection. Post more soon!


Food Blog

I'm pretty new to this whole blogging thing, but I tell you what, I love a good food blog. You know, full of recipes to die for, great photography, and that surge of excitement you get when you get when you just can't wait to make allll the snacks. Like, maybe that's all I'll do today is try all of these recipes out. That kind of food blog.

Well folks, I can't get enough of i am a food blog. Seriously. It's awesome. Stephanie posts delicious recipes with absolutely beautiful pictures that she takes herself! Oh, and it's full of delicious brunch recipes- soo yeah get on that.

Here are a few examples of the delicious recipes on i am a food blog:

Sounds delicious right?

There is also a cookbook available by Stephanie! You can buy it here.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Monger's Choice

I don't know about you, but getting to try new cheeses really makes me excited! I often feel overwhelmed when I'm at the cheese counter, but hey,that's why I started this blog. I want to learn about cheese! I decided the best approach would be honesty. If I look like a fool to the monger, than so be it. At least I'll step away with some new information right? Well hopefully!

This weekend I went to The Cheese Bar on SE Belmont. My excitement quickly turned into nervousness as I approached the counter. There were so many choices! Mounds of goat, cow and sheep's milk cheeses; blues, cheddars, soft ripened cheeses galore! I quickly started making conversation with my friend, Natasha, hoping she could give me some guidance before I had to interact with the monger herself. "What can I get for you?"

Well, I wanted to be honest right? "I have no idea what I'm doing, I'm extremely overwhelmed by all of this," is what came out of my mouth as I motioned to the piles of cheese. Lucky for me, The woman behind the counter was very polite and helpful. She recommended that I start by ordering one of their cheese boards and handed me a menu. I'm so happy I did! I tried some delicious new cheeses and it took all of the tough decisions out of play.

The cheese boards on their menu are "Monger's choice". You select what type of board you want from their menu (Cheese board, soft-ripened board, stinky board, blue board, etc.) and the monger cuts about an ounce of each cheese they select for you. It's a great way to sample new cheeses you may have never tried before, and the selection varies frequently.

I ordered the regular Cheese Board and Natasha ordered the Neal's Yard Board. My board came with a cow, goat and sheep's milk cheese with chutney and crostini. Natasha's came with three cheddar cow's milk cheeses and the extras as well. It was definitely fun to be able to taste multiple varieties and compare with one another. I recommend going with a friend!

Neal's Yard Board
My favorite cheese was the Lincolnshire Poacher from the Neal's Yard Board. It had a smooth, dense texture and had an irresistible tangy flavor! It also had the little bits of crunchy crystals inside, which I absolutely love. I had to buy some of this to take home and it was quickly devoured.

Cheese Board
 All in all, I had a great experience at The Cheese Bar! If you are overwhelmed by the selection, or just want to try something new, go with a cheese board and let the cheesemonger decide for you. I definitely plan on going back and sampling some more varieties. I'll be sure to keep you updated. In the mean time, check out their website!
Take a look!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

5 Unique Cheese Recipes Everyone Must Try!

I'm constantly eating cheese. I know it's cheesy, but I just can't get enough! I have to admit though, sometimes I struggle with what to make with it besides a grilled cheese sandwich. Well, all of that has changed now!
A friend of mine lent me an awesome cookbook called The Great Big Cheese Cookbook. Everyone needs to check it out! If you are a lover of cheese, this is the perfect cookbook to give you some ideas. I picked five of my favorite recipes to share with you below. I hope you enjoy!

Get it

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Cheese Plate Perfection

Get to know your cheesemonger

It might seem overwhelming trying to choose what cheese is right for your needs. Fear not! Your local cheesemonger is there to help you! A cheesemonger is the person who manages your local cheese shop (or the cheese counter in some stores) and has extensive knowledge about different cheeses and their flavor, production, and pairing ideas. Don't be afraid to ask questions- they are there to help!



It is important to have a variety of textures and flavors on your cheese plate, but you also should consider having a familiar cheese (such as cheddar) available. An easy place to start is to purchase one of each of the following: an aged cheese, soft cheese, firm cheese, and a blue cheese. You might also consider varying your cheeses by the type of milk used to create it (goat/sheep/cow). 


The amount of cheese on your plate should depend on a few different factors. Is it for an appetizer, a main course, or a dessert course? How many people will be eating? I found a few different answers to this question online and they seem to vary a little bit. For the most part, if you are serving cheese as an hors d'oeuvre thank most recommend serving between one and three ounces of cheese per person. If cheese is the main course, plan on about four ounces per person.


Sounds simple enough right? Well in my research I found that most people had the same suggestions to make serving your cheese plate as smooth as possible. Here are some tips to get you started:

  • Set out cheese an hour ahead of time
  • Pre-slice hard cheeses so your guests won't have to
  • Keep smelly cheese separated from more delicate cheeses
  • Label each cheese variety