Tuesday, October 28, 2014


I'm excited to really start my exploration of cheese. I'm planning on trying a new cheese every few days, posting about what I think of it, and possibly some recipes. I'm definitely a neophyte in the world of cheese. Well, not completely. My parents tried to expose me to quality food products, so I wasn't just eating craft singles (Not too sound super judgey.. if you're into that kind of thing, that's cool).

I grew up eating Tillamook sharp white cheddar, crumbled blue, feta, brie, and a taste of gouda now and then. But the thing is, I haven't really explored and sought out new varieties. I want to look into the process in which it's made, taste cheeses I've never heard of, see what effect the terroir has on the cheese, taste multiple varieties of the same cheese, and basically just eat as much delicious cheese as possible.

So where do I start? I was thinking I could just pick a region and start there. Or maybe a certain type and explore different varieties. But you know, I've reaalllyyy been craving a soft ripened, creamy cheese. So there it is! I'll be going to New Season's tonight to make my selection. Post more soon!


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