Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Food Blog

I'm pretty new to this whole blogging thing, but I tell you what, I love a good food blog. You know, full of recipes to die for, great photography, and that surge of excitement you get when you get when you just can't wait to make allll the snacks. Like, maybe that's all I'll do today is try all of these recipes out. That kind of food blog.

Well folks, I can't get enough of i am a food blog. Seriously. It's awesome. Stephanie posts delicious recipes with absolutely beautiful pictures that she takes herself! Oh, and it's full of delicious brunch recipes- soo yeah get on that.

Here are a few examples of the delicious recipes on i am a food blog:

Sounds delicious right?

There is also a cookbook available by Stephanie! You can buy it here.

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